Jacopo Benassi: Bologna Portraits
On the occasion of Arte Fiera, a new exhibition space is opening in Bologna dedicated to temporary shows and events in the basement of Palazzo Bentivoglio: in the very heart of the city and close to its famous university quarters. The space will be inaugurated with the exhibition “Bologna Portraits” by Jacopo Benassi, telling of the artist’s special relationship with the urban context.
“Bologna Portraits” brings together a selection of photographs taken by the artist during his stays in Bologna over recent months. The central corpus of the works is made up of a series of portraits of personae linked to the city: artists, writers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, bartenders, stylists, musicians, cultural figures, time wasters, actors etc. Some one hundred people of various ages, from twenty-somethings to nonagenarians, and who are all in some way an integral part of the urban landscape.
Opening times during ART CITY Bologna Art Week 25 Jan – 3 Feb 2019
Tue – Thu 29 – 31 Jan: 11am -7pm
Fri 1 Feb and Sun 3 Feb:10am –8pm
Sat 2 Feb, 10am –12am
sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
M: info@palazzobentivoglio.org
Palazzo Bentivoglio, Via del Borgo di San Pietro 1