At the Silent End, 06 Nov 2015 — 29 Nov 2015

At the Silent End

The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, 10/F, HKAC, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai

Hong Kong Art School hosts the exhibition “At the Silent End” of the artist Wong Tin-Ying, recent graduate from the Hong Kong Art School’s Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme, majoring in Painting.

The exhibition is Wong Tin Ying‘s journey, from their experience in art, poetry and their feelings; not only a documentary, but also a poem:

“If our story comes to the end
I should get away from the city and travel to somewhere else
to learn how to forget
and record the way how I lost my memories…”

Contacts & Details
T: +852 2865 0371

The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, 10/F, HKAC, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai

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