Fact or Fiction, 14 Jan 2016 — 20 Feb 2016

Fact or Fiction

Tang Contemporary Art, 10/F, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tang Contemporary Art presents its first group exhibition in Hong Kong, featuring selected paintings from seven critical figures of Contemporary Chinese art. The exhibition surveys the development of contemporary paintings practices in China throughout the past decade by artists who were both documenting while also constructing a new visual identity of 21st century China.

Fact or Fiction explores the cultural and social negotiations that occur the politics of imagery, from a generation of artists born in the ‘60s – ‘80s that were influential in defining a unique artistic identity amidst their country’s rapidly growing force in the global economy. Covering a range of painting practices from photographic to abstract, and subjects of ‘self’ or ‘collective’ interest, the works reinforce paradigms of “constructed realities” in contemporary visual culture. What truths lie between what is seen and what is said – whether fact or fiction – remains to be known.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Sat 11am – 7pm

Monday, Sunday

T: +852 2682 8289
M: info@tangcontemporary.com.hk

Tang Contemporary Art, 10/F, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong

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