Kenneth Blom: Theater of operations, 21 Nov 2015 — 13 Feb 2016

Kenneth Blom: Theater of operations

The paintings of Kenneth Blom employ a unique blend of architectural and figurative elements. His gestures are restrained and his spaces are intentionally vast, creating an overt sense of symbolism.

While Blom’s figures often seem to merge with their surroundings, they also appear forlorn and unfulfilled in the context of the world at large. The audience follows the artist’s footsteps through abstracted details, colorist investigations and tableaus from both the public and private sphere. Through aesthetically processed and experimental reasoning, the answers emerge. Along the way one may observe a repertoire constantly expanding in terms of both color and composition. Both his figurative works and his landscapes seem to explore the melancholy that has been such a preoccupation of Norwegian artists through the ages.

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