Wu Xihuang: Prey, 06 Nov 2015 — 30 Dec 2015

Wu Xihuang: Prey

Leo Gallery Hong Kong, 189 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Leo Gallery Hong Kong presents Chinese contemporary works by rising star Wu Xihuang to celebrate Wu Xihuang’s unique interpretation of common and familiar themes, ideas and perspectives. He is interested in the unconventional visual language of human interactions and uses this as the foundation of this works themes.

Wu Xihuang uses a global perspective to express personal experiences. In his recent collection, we find Wu Xihuang’s focus on the world’s social issues begin to shift. His work does not show passionate intense emotions, instead he touches on topic with a more direct attitude.  These images and themes are expressed in a way to remind the audience of the relationship between a hunter and his prey; where a hunter delicately and charmingly waits to hunt its prey.

Wu Xihuang is interested in a variety of artistic styles; from canvas work and sculptural work to installations and video. This show is the first time Leo Gallery will be presenting Wu Xihuang in a solo exhibition after many years of collaboration. In the last seven years, Wu Xihuang has been continuiously exploring and experimenting with this artistic focus, but the work he has created in this period taps into an interesting phenomenon, worthy of our discussion.

Contacts & Details
Mon – Sat 11am – 7pm
T: +852 2803 2333
M: hongkong@leogallery.com.cn

Leo Gallery Hong Kong, 189 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

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