Armin Linke: Blind Sensorium. Il paradosso dell’Antropocene, 06 Sep 2019 — 06 Jan 2020

Armin Linke: Blind Sensorium. Il paradosso dell’Antropocene

Museo Archeologico Nazionale "Domenico Ridola" & Ex scuola media "Alessandro Volta", Via Domenico Ridola, 24

Commissioned and produced by Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019 as part of the Matera European Capital of Culture 2019, the exhibition is the culmination of a ten-year artistic research about men and climate first commissioned by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and carried out by artistic and scientific institutions worldwide.

“Blind Sensorium”, is a survey conducted by photographer and filmmaker Armin Linke on what Nobel prize winner Paul Cruzen called “the anthropocene”, the geological era in which man becomes the creator of geographical and climatic changes that have shaped our planet, for better or for worse.

The show features photographs, documents, interviews and projections also conducted in Matera and throughout Basilicata.

Contacts & Details
T: +39 0835 256384

Museo Archeologico Nazionale "Domenico Ridola" & Ex scuola media "Alessandro Volta", Via Domenico Ridola, 24
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