Countless Cities: The Biennial of the Cities of the World, 28 Jun 2019 — 27 Oct 2019

Countless Cities: The Biennial of the Cities of the World

Farm Cultural Park, Cortile Bentivegna

With a first edition inspired by Africa, Countless Cities is a biennial exhibition at Farm Cultural Park, a contemporary arts center in the midst of the rural town of Favara on the island of Sicily. The exhibitions are spread throughout the towns of Favara and neighboring Agrigento.

The Countless Cities exhibition includes photographers, artists, architects and creatives who tell us about the innovative practices that contribute to making cities around the world special. These practices intersect the following three themes – governance first, resilient cities and youth woke, and deal with notions of climate change, economic upheaval, and global migration

Contacts & Details
T: +39 0922 34534

Farm Cultural Park, Cortile Bentivegna
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