David Chipperfield: Architects Works 2018, 12 May 2018 — 02 Sep 2018

David Chipperfield: Architects Works 2018

Basilica Palladiana, Piazza dei Signori

David Chipperfield Architects Works 2018 displays a selection of 16 current and recent projects at various stages of their development, illustrating the range of activities that take place in an architecture studio today.

The material exhibited at Basilica Palladiana in Vicenza will vary from rough sketches and models relating to the beginning of the design process, to detail design and construction drawings at the end of the design process, and will include photographs and films of recently completed projects.

“This exhibition represents our attempt to show how we work, how we develop ideas, how we work in parallel in different projects, cultures, and with different resources, priorities and collaborators, balancing local and global perspectives. As a practice, we have strived to maintain a studio mentality despite the scale of the overall studio, and despite the diversity and range of our projects.” –David Chipperfield

Contacts & Details

T: +39 0444 323181
M: abacoarchitettura.eventi@gmail.com

Basilica Palladiana, Piazza dei Signori
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