Uncommon Places: An Accelerationist Aesthetics, 15 Apr 2016 — 15 May 2016

Uncommon Places: An Accelerationist Aesthetics

Palazzo da Schio, Vicenza, Via Capitano G.Sella, 4

Studio la Città announces the exhibition “Uncommon Places:an accelerationist aesthetics”, a project by Manon Comerio, under the patronage of the Municipality of Schio and curated by Camilla Boemio, which will open Friday, April 15th, 2016 in the beautiful newly renovated spaces of Palazzo da Schio (VI).
Palazzo da Schio, an unusual context but one overflowing with history and fascination, has become the venue for an analytical show resulting from the interaction between the project’s originator, Manon Comerio, and the curator-theoretician .
The show aims at investigating the natural and urban landscape in another dimension: that of the imagination in a state of aesthetic acceleration.
An imagination that, in the face of nature’s display, searches for nothing from itself, nor does it search for a confirmation of its own certainties, but highlights ways for integrating multiple visions.

Contacts & Details

T: +39 3937663322
M: manon.comerio@gmail.com

Palazzo da Schio, Vicenza, Via Capitano G.Sella, 4
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