Adrián Balseca: The Unbalanced Land, 14 May 2019 — 20 Jul 2019

Adrián Balseca: The Unbalanced Land

Madragoa Gallery, Rua do Machadinho, 45

The exhibition brings together a sound installation, a series of photographs, and objects. In his works, the artist carries out a reflection on the modalities of space production and the spatio-temporal relations in late capitalism.

Balseca’s artistic gesture is inscribed, therefore, in a genealogy of decolonial political-poetic practices, pointing, at the same time, to the persistence of colonial formations in contemporary Ecuador. The adopted artistic methodology is about displacing a set of cognitive categories, political and representative (“here” and “there”, universal and local, “same” and “other”, observer and observee) and affirming a signic ecology founded in a system of dynamic interactions.

Contacts & Details
mon, sun

T: +351 213 901 699

Madragoa Gallery, Rua do Machadinho, 45
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