Eduardo Navarro: (breathspace), 01 Oct 2020 — 20 Dec 2020
Eduardo Navarro, "Breathing drawing", 2019 (detail). Courtesy of the artist
Eduardo Navarro: (breathspace)
The first solo exhibition by the Buenos Aires-based artist at Gasworks
Gasworks, 155 Vauxhall St, London SE11 5RH, UK
Before the pandemic, the exhibition by Eduardo Navarro at Gasworks was supposed to transform the gallery’s space into a living organism.
A participative installation as an artificial lung would inhale and exhale air. Visitors would synchronize their movements one with another, creating a space of collective meditation.
During the lockdown, when the exhibition was postponed, Navarro began to draw daily as an act of speculative thinking: the result is thousands of sketches now on view at Gasworks, in which the artist frees his imagination, representing past and future visions, along with unrealised and unrealisable ones.