Hogarth: Place and Progress
Gathering all of the surviving paintings and engravings in Hogarth‘s series for the first time, including “Rake’s Progress” and “An Election” from Sir John Soane’s Museum’s own collection, “Marriage A-la-Mode” from the National Gallery, the “Four Times of Day” from the National Trust and a private collection, the three surviving paintings of “The Happy Marriage” from Tate and the Royal Cornwall Museum as well as engraved series lent by Andrew Edmunds prints such as “The Four Stages of Cruelty, Industry and Idleness” and “Gin Lane” and “Beer Street”, “Hogarth: Place and Progress” aims to examine Hogarth’s complex views on morality, the society and the city at the same time to show how Hogarth’s ‘Modern Moral Subjects’ married the idea of progress with the moral geography of London, in a dynamic and evolving way throughout his own progress as an artist.
Wed – Sun 10 am – 5 pm
Mon, Tue
M: admin@soane.org.uk
Sir John Soane’s Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3BP, UK