Loredana Longo: Second Life, 02 Oct 2019 — 09 Oct 2019

Loredana Longo: Second Life

Sahrai Showroom, 62-64 Brook St, Mayfair

Sahrai Milano welcomes artist Loredana Longo to present her new selection of carpets from the Middle East region. The project is curated by Marina Dacci and in collaboration with Francesco Pantaleone Gallery – Palermo | Milano.

The result of Loredana’s work come from the combination of two different sensitivities and “hand- intelligence”: the contribution of the artisan who made the carpet and the artist’s intervention, who has fire-carved the upper layer of the woven fabrics with sentences by Western politicians.

Loredana Longo selected the carpets and the sentences to etch into them, including the fonts and the positioning of the lettering in relation to the rugs’ iconographic structure, searching for an accurate rhythm within the spatial organisation of language. The action of the fire is to wed the carpet with the text, removing portions of the upper layer of the carpet via combustion.

Contacts & Details

Sahrai Showroom, 62-64 Brook St, Mayfair
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