Pace Live — Torkwase Dyson: Liquid a Place, 08 Oct 2021 — 06 Nov 2021

Pace Live — Torkwase Dyson: Liquid a Place

“Visit the water in your body, think alongside it, imagine alongside it, refract alongside it, refuse alongside it.”
— Torkwase Dyson

Pace London, 5 Hanover Square, GV74+HQ, London, UK

Pace Gallery opens a new London Space on Hannover Square with “Liquid a Place“, a collaborative performance and sculptural installation presented as part of Pace Live programme, the gallery’s platform for the exploration and intersection of multidisciplinary art forms.

Torkwase Dyson will transform one of the new gallery spaces with a series of sculptures, activated by a site-specific sound piece.

The artist has selected writers, poets, dancers and musicians that will perform on October 7, 9 and 11, exploring issues of environmental racism, spatial liberation and sensoria.

Contacts & Details
check the website
T: +44 (0)20 3206 7600

Pace London, 5 Hanover Square, GV74+HQ, London, UK

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