White ppl Think I am Radical, 18 Feb 2017 — 29 Apr 2017

White ppl Think I am Radical

Arcadia Missa, 35 Duke St, London W1U 1LH, UK

Arcadia Missa showcases a new exhibition featuring the new body of works made by Hamishi Farah and Aria Dean, and entitled “White ppl Think I am Radical”. The show displays the two different ways on approaching art by this two artists that live and operate in opposite and distinct parts of the world. All of the artworks here on view reflect the artists ‘s views of portraits.

Contacts & Details
Wed – Sat 12 pm – 6 pm
T: +44 (0)20 7935 7448
M: info@arcadiamissa.com

Arcadia Missa, 35 Duke St, London W1U 1LH, UK

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