Zabludowicz Collection Invites: Josefine Reisch, 20 Sep 2018 — 28 Oct 2018
Zabludowicz Collection Invites: Josefine Reisch
176 Prince of Wales Road
Celetoids is the solo exhibition dedicated to the artist Josefine Reisch at the Zabludowicz Collection. Using media such as tromp l’oeil painting, portraiture and textile, the artist exhibits series of portraits. Her research is aimed to investigate a new type of self-portrait that could connect with Renaissance art. Renaissance, in fact, is usually considered the epoch in which individualism is born.
In Reisch’s paintings, the mainly female subjects often appear in profile, transmitting a feeling of enigmatic and ungraspable. Painting medium, in the artist’s intention, highlights a sense of permanence of the image, in contrast with the modern conception of self-portrait, namely the selfie.