Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture by Women, 1947 – 2016, 13 Mar 2016 — 04 Sep 2016

Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture by Women, 1947 – 2016

Hauser Wirth & Schimmel, 901 East 3rd Street

Hauser Wirth & Schimmel hosts “Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture by Women, 1947 – 2016” the inaugural exhibition at its new complex in the heart of the downtown Los Angeles Arts District. Through nearly 100 works made by 34 artists over the past seventy years, this ambitious undertaking traces ways in which women have changed the course of art by deftly transforming the language of sculpture since the postwar period. Works on view reveal their makers inventing radically new forms and processes that privilege solo studio practice, tactility, and the idiosyncrasies of the artist’s own hand. ‘Revolution in the Making’ explores multiple strains of artistic approaches, characterized by abstraction and repetition, that reject the precedent of a monolithic masterwork on a pedestal, employing such tactics as stacking, hanging, and intertwining, to create an intimate reciprocity between artist and viewer. The exhibition examines how elements that are central to art today – including engagement with found, experimental, and recycled materials, as well as an embrace of contingency, imperfection, and unstructured play – were propelled by the work of women who, in seeking new means to express their own voices, dramatically expanded the definition of sculpture.


Contacts & Details
wed, fri, sat, sun 11:00 am – 6:00 pm; thu 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

mon, tue

T: +1 213 943 1620

Hauser Wirth & Schimmel, 901 East 3rd Street

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