Danh Vo: Garden with Pigeons in Flight, 05 Nov 2018 — 13 Jan 2019

Danh Vo: Garden with Pigeons in Flight

Created specifically for the space, the pieces and interventions by the Danish artist Danh Vo investigate the life and architecture of the objects and people who have inhabited the Casa Luis Barragán.

In the first part of the show, the artist operates little alterations of the maintenance routine of the house, to unveil the small mechanisms that ensure its correct functioning. This involves actions such as removing carpets to expose the traces left by the light over the years, moving objects or exacerbating decorative elements, to highlight the transformations undergone by the place over the years and its nature of living archive. The second part of the show, on the other hand, displays a series of beeswax candles, variously set up all over the house: as the candles burn down during the exhibition, visitors are able to experience the different interactions between light and dark in the space, once again highlighting a process of continuous transformation.


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