Enrique Rosas: Luz Aberrante/Aberrant Light, 02 Feb 2016 — 31 Mar 2016

Enrique Rosas: Luz Aberrante/Aberrant Light

Le Laboratoire, Vicente Suárez 69, Int. 2, Condesa

For several years now Enrique Rosas has done research surrounding the memory techniques as elaborated by Raimundo Lulio, Giordano Bruno and Athanasius Kircher, among others. A psychogenealogy through which the artist pursues a connection with memory as acquired not through learning but through DNA, in turn connecting him with all preceding beings, arriving to the point which surely connects us all.

On the same day of the 2014 World Football championship’s final match, while in Acapulco Enrique suffered the sting of a stingray. This was the Pacific Ocean after Fukushima. The pain threshold exceeded any other he had ever experienced; all of his body muscles contracted for hours. The liquefaction of images in his mind, in such a state, was delirious, but at the same time the radioactive poison seemed to come with an encrypted message. Rosas seeks to structure this message, using said mnemonic techniques, in this exhibition.

Contacts & Details
mon, fri, tue, wed, thu 11:00 am – 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm

sat, sun

T: +52 5256 4360
M: info@lelaboratoire.mx

Le Laboratoire, Vicente Suárez 69, Int. 2, Condesa

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