Exiliadas de España. Artistas en México
Artists: Alma Tapia Bolívar, Amaya Escalera, Carme Millà, Elena Climent, Carmen Cortés, Elena Verdes Montenegro, Elvira Gascón, Guadalupe Gaos, Josefina Ballester, Juana Francisca Rubio, Julia Giménez Cacho, Kati Horna, Loty de la Granja, Lucinda Urrusti, Manuela Ballester, María Teresa Toral, Marta Palau, Mary Martín, Montserrat Aleix, Nela Gaos, Paloma Altolaguirre, Puri Yáñez, Remedios Varo, Regina Raull, Rosa Ballester, Soledad Martínez, Teresa Martín, Teresa Olabuenaga and Yani Pecanins.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Mexican Ministry of Culture, and the Government of Mexico City, through its Ministry of Culture, the institutions behind the Colegio de San Ildefonso, present “Exiliadas de España. Artistas en México”, an exhibition that celebrates and honours the women artists who arrived in Mexico after the Spanish Civil War. The exhibition offers a platform to highlight the artistic work of these exiled women or daughters of exiles, whose talent left a lasting mark on the shared cultural history between Spain and Mexico. Their works not only reflected the nostalgia of exile but also integrated elements of Mexican tradition, exploring themes such as identity, memory, and resistance. Through their art, they created cultural bridges that continue to resonate, transforming expressions and leaving an enduring artistic legacy.
Tue – Sun 11am – 6pm
M: informes@sanildefonso.org.mx
Colegio de San Ildefonso, Justo Sierra 16, Centro Histórico