Hector Madera: Y cuando uno vive en el paraiso, ya uno no quiere irse tan pronto, 01 Feb 2018 — 28 Feb 2018

Hector Madera: Y cuando uno vive en el paraiso, ya uno no quiere irse tan pronto

Galería Karen Huber, Bucareli 120-piso 1, Colonia Centro, Centro, Cuauhtémoc

The work of Hector Madera (Puerto Rico, 1977) emerges from personal experiences and the close observation of life events. Working with diverse mediums that range from large-scale mixed media collages, paintings, and neon sculptures, and with the use of common materials such as tape, household paint, found objects, magazine and posters he evokes emotional states of woe and joy. The use of colorful patterns and bold abstract doodles help him portray the feelings of melancholy and mirth, confusion and clarity. All to create an ambience in which his frustrations are discernible, tangible, shared and celebrated.

Contacts & Details

Tue – Fri 11am – 3pm, 4pm – 7pm;
Sat 11am – 3pm

T: +52 55 5086 6210
M: info@karen-huber.com

Galería Karen Huber, Bucareli 120-piso 1, Colonia Centro, Centro, Cuauhtémoc

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