Icaro Zorbar: Nocturne, Int-Night, 23 Sep 2016 — 02 Nov 2016

Icaro Zorbar: Nocturne, Int-Night

Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo, Tabasco 198, Roma Nte., Cuauhtémoc

Icaro Zorbar (Bogota, Colombia, 1977) has devoted his artistic practice to the study and reincarnation of obsolete technologies that come alive as precarious structures that need manual winding to get going. Artifacts groaning melodies; machines traversing sentimental and melodramatic spaces; works impregnated of love and nostalgia from a technological time that his generation could barely remember.

For Zorbar, technological problems are not the concern, rather the humanization of technology is. The aesthetic value of his machines, which he dubs ‘small monsters’, is anchored on their simplicity and their evident resemblance of toys. Moreover, the visual paradigm they represent moves between work of art, machine and game.

In “Nocturne, int-night“, the artist immerses the exhibition space in darkness and experiments with projections and object-sculptures that give way to a nocturnal narrative adrift. A starry scene. A fractured fiction. Complementary, similar, and seemingly inseparable, the works in the exhibiton have the virtue of seduction and the amazing quality of being perfectly adjusted to each other.

Icaro Zorbar’s works fascinate and captivate even within the framework of an aesthetics that is not easily understood, one where broken-apart machines, displaying their entrails in the open, become objects of desire and of deep admiration.

Contacts & Details

Tue – Fri 10am – 6pm;
Sat 11am – 3pm

T: +52 55 5511 7965
M: info@arroniz-arte.com

Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo, Tabasco 198, Roma Nte., Cuauhtémoc

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