José Alejandro Restrepo: epiPHONY, 07 Oct 2016 — 12 Feb 2017

José Alejandro Restrepo: epiPHONY

Colombian video art pioneer, José Alejandro Restrepo investigates the behaviors and changes that are generated by clashes and crossings between humans, economy, nature, culture, religion or beleifs.

“epiPHONY” comes from a long observation from part of the artist into some of the situations and exchanges that occur throughout Colombia related to the structures and uses of cellular technology. The implications that this object has on the subject, the landscape, spiritual life, informal economies, crime, pornography, and popular culture are revealing. The videos that compose this installation have either been recorded by Restrepo as part of his primary research or appropriated from television newscasts and other entertainment or information platforms like YouTube.

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