Posible advertencia / Possible warning, 13 Dec 2016 — 12 Mar 2017

Posible advertencia / Possible warning

Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Lic. Primo de Verdad 8 Centro, Cuauhtemoc, Centro Histórico

“Possible warning”, sound installation of Enrique Ježik that will be continuously in the process of change during the exhibition period.

Ježik explained that this project was born out of his interest in site specific work and in work made with texts of different origins and important political load – same works that he had previously made through sculpture-, added to his taste by sound and collaborative experimentation

A sound installation on the main space of Ex Teresa Arte Actual will be the stage for the live performance of the artists who will interpret the texts selected by Ježik.

The live acts will be recorded and the sound track of the installation will be edited, which can be heard until the moment that a crane is placed that will travel in the space axially to allow that the sound being emitted, literally, travels the exhibition space. This structure will be added on February 1, 2017.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Sun 10am – 6pm
T: +52 55 4122 8020
M: exteresa.difusion@inba.gob.mx

Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Lic. Primo de Verdad 8 Centro, Cuauhtemoc, Centro Histórico

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