Tercerunquinto: Doble Fondo / False Bottom, 07 Feb 2017 — 11 Mar 2017

Tercerunquinto: Doble Fondo / False Bottom

Proyectos Monclova, Lamartine 415, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo

Proyectos Monclova presents “Doble Fondo /  False Bottom”, a solo show by Tercerunquinto which embarks on the collective’s recurrent theme: social unrest. In this particular case, their point of departure is graffiti, understood as a strategy to state disagreements.

The artists formally emphasise the concept of the archaeology of rage, and the aesthetic and poetic possibilities of collective sentiments as forms of expression in public spaces, as well as the relevance of the cultural legacy of anonymous and marginalised individuals. Tercerunquinto validates, redeems, dignifies, and culturally relocates graffiti, presenting it as a social manifestation of production of meaning and a mixture of literary and pictorial genres. For “Doble fondo” the artists have established a relationship with graffiti through its involvement with accepted academic practices –commonly understood as necessary–, such as the restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, documentation, archeology, -and their inclusion in different exhibition spaces.

Contacts & Details

Mon – Fri 10am – 6pm;
Sat 11am – 4pm

T: +52 55 5525 9715
M: info@proyectosmonclova.com

Proyectos Monclova, Lamartine 415, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo

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