An Introduction, 09 May 2015 — 17 Apr 2016

An Introduction

Fondazione Prada, Milan, Largo Isarco 2, 20139 Milan, Italy

Once a laboratory within the former industrial complex, the galleria Sud—flowing through the Deposito’s wide spaces—hosts “An Introduction”: an intense exhibition project—emerged from a dialogue between Miuccia Prada and Germano Celant—alluding to a path between institutional and personal, leading to methods of research and collecting. It intertwines a study and passion for art that has taken on public and private characteristics and led to the opening of the Fondazione.

Here the interest for the aesthetic and political issues addressed by artists is compared to the knowledge and the practice of experimental and historic cultures, from the Renaissance to the artistic events of the 1960s, from New Dada to Minimal Art.
The translation of notions and passions into collection is documented through the quadreria: a gallery of artworks that indicates the wide-ranging oscillation of attention for art’s manifestations – and through two large-scale artist’s installations by Nathalie Djurberg (2008) and John Baldessari (2009), both conceived for their solo shows at Fondazione Prada, in which different languages coexist and creative territories merge.

The result is a body of artworks and objects that supply information about the past, present and future of an existential adventure.

Contacts & Details

Mon 10am – 7pm;
Wed – Sun 10am – 7pm

T: +39 02 56662611

Fondazione Prada, Milan, Largo Isarco 2, 20139 Milan, Italy

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