Antonio Scaccabarozzi and Roy Thurston: L’incontro, 14 Sep 2021 — 14 Nov 2021

Antonio Scaccabarozzi and Roy Thurston: L’incontro

Clivio, Foro Buonaparte 48, 20121, Milan, Italy

Clivio Art Gallery presents in its space of Milan a two-person exhibition: Antonio Scaccabarozzi and Roy Thurston.

The show, entitled “L’incontro” and curated by Anna Dusi, focuses on these two prominent Artists of the European and American Minimalism. The exhibition seeks to create a dialogue between the two Artists through the colour, the light and the material that represent the common pillars of their artistic research and define the poetic affinities between them.
Scaccabarozzi’s artworks displayed during the show describe his last production with the cycles of “Banchise” and “Velature”. Thurston shows artworks produced from 2006 to the present with paintings on aluminium and paintings on wood, characterised by a strong attention to the three-dimensionality and the play of lights and shadows.

Contacts & Details

Mon – Sat 10am – 7pm by appointment

T: +39 338 547 94 33

Clivio, Foro Buonaparte 48, 20121, Milan, Italy

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