Art Galleries in Milan in the Interwar Period
On exhibit till 22 May, 2016, are the most important works from the years between the 1920’s and 1930’s that placed Milan art galleries in the cultural and artistic spotlight of the international scenario. From Balla to Prampolini, from De Chirico to Sironi and Carrà, from Medardo Rosso toWildt, from Kandinskji to Melotti… and many others. 100 artworks gathered in a unique exhibit that reveals a feverish and internationally acclaimed period in Milan’s artistic history.
The Fondazione Stelline hosts a collection of paintings and sculptures that bring to light the cultural and artistic vivacity of Milan art galleries in the two decades following World War I. The exhibition “Art Galleries in Milan in the Interwar Period”, curated by Luigi Sansone, rediscovers the Milan of rich artistic ferment and international appeal. The exhibit concentrates on the historic and artistic period between 1919 and 1939 and the activity carried out by the principal art galleries in Milan that gave evidence of great cultural dynamism. In fact, these galleries held exhibitions of renowned artists that ranged from the late 19th century to Futurism, from the Novecento Group to Abstractism, from Aeropittura to Chiarismo, up to the Corrente movement. In the period between the two World Wars, Milan lived a momentum of fervid cultural activity with a strong return of figurative painting after the revolutionary experience of Futurists. Historic art galleries – like Pesaro, Bardi, Scopinich, Milano, Salvetti, Dedalo, Bottega di Poesia, Il Milione, Barbaroux, Micheli, Gussoni, Centrale and Mostre Temporanee – hosted artists that embodied diverse art movements: Balla, Carrà, Campigli, Casorati, de Chirico, de Pisis, Fontana, Funi, Guttuso, Kandinskij, Licini, Melotti, Prampolini, Rosai, Medardo Rosso, Savinio, Severini, Sironi, Usellini, Wildt, and many others. The masterfully displayed paintings, sculptures and historic records on exhibit enable visitors to experience a city whose echo on the international scenario attracted artists like Kandinsky, who found here fertile ground for their artistic expression.
Tue – Sun 10am – 8pm
Fondazione Stelline, Corso Magenta, 61, 20123 Milan, Italy