Beyond: Delivering the future for the past 110 years, 27 Sep 2016 — 06 Nov 2016

Beyond: Delivering the future for the past 110 years

Triennale di Milano, Viale Emilio Alemagna, 6, 20121 Milan, Italy

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” This is how Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, explained the value of heritage and Man’s thirst for knowledge as expressed in his unstoppable desire to go “Beyond”.

To go beyond is the philosophy that guides the visitor’s path through the immersive multimedia exhibition “Beyond: Delivering the future for the past 110 years”, a journey through some of the greatest works in the world built in the last century. Dams, roads, bridges, railways and metros, mosques and cultural centres. All these works have improved the lives of millions of people, supporting the development of countries.

For Salini Impregilo these gentle giants are in fact great works built in a sustainable way in the whole world, complex infrastructure projects from which you can look beyond the limits imposed by time and geography.

It was 1906 when families of Italian entrepreneurs, of which Salini Impregilo is now the heir, realised their first projects in this country, with a grand vision: to grow through the creation of complex infrastructure that would endure over time and bring progress and prosperity to generations present and future.

Today, 110 years later, “Beyond” retraces, by means of a multi-sensory experience, the story that led those companies to become a Group which, today, is a worldwide leader; a journey through the works that narrate the progress of engineering and technology in the last century, with a look towards the future.

A journey of 110 years, told through the photos of infrastructure projects, as well as by means of a multimedia path in which the men and women, who feature in this adventure, talk to us about the works in previously unseen historical films and videos.

This is a unique experience in which visitors can immerse themselves in events that have distinguished the evolution of the twentieth century and relive, through the greatest public works built in the world, the history that has accompanied several generations and has left its mark on the world through these symbols of progress and human ingenuity.

Contacts & Details

Tue – Sun 10:30am – 8pm

T: +39 02 724341

Triennale di Milano, Viale Emilio Alemagna, 6, 20121 Milan, Italy

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