Dürer and the Renaissance between Germany and Italy, 21 Feb 2018 — 24 Jun 2018

Dürer and the Renaissance between Germany and Italy

Palazzo Reale, Piazza del Duomo, 12, 20122 Milan, Italy

Dürer and the Renaissance between Germany and Italy, puts on full display the German Renaissance in its moment of splendour, thanks to an important selection of works by Albrecht Dürer (1471 – 1528), alongside a selection of oeuvres by Cranach, Giorgione, Lorenzo Lotto and other masters.

The exhibition highlights the reciprocal relationships between his work and those of his great contemporary masters through drawings, engravings, paintings and graphics.

Dürer was considered as the leading exponent of the German and European Renaissance. His prolific career marked a moment of great effervescence in socio-economic, artistic, cultural and intellectual terms during the German Renaissance but it was also a time of great openness towards Europe, both in the South (Northern Italy) and in the North (the Netherlands).


Contacts & Details

Tue – Sun 10am – 7:30pm

T: +39 02 88465230
M: c.mostre@comune.milano.it

Palazzo Reale, Piazza del Duomo, 12, 20122 Milan, Italy

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