Eva Kot’átková: The Dream Machine is Asleep, 15 Feb 2018 — 22 Jul 2018

Eva Kot’átková: The Dream Machine is Asleep

Pirelli HangarBicocca, Via Chiese, 2, 20126 Milan, Italy

The solo show “The Dream Machine is Asleep,” by Eva Kot’átková (Prague, 1982) includes both her older and more recent installations, sculptures, over-sized objects, collages and performances. The idea behind this exhibition stem from the vision of the human body as a machine in all it’s functions including regeneration and rest, that the idea of sleep is a moment in which, via dreams we enter into parallel worlds,  where our most intimate and disorientating projections and thoughts come to life, this exhibition is a reflection on the potential of this dream-state and the various systems which rule our lives using imagery which sits somewhere between fantasy literature, neurological science and psychiatric disorders.

The show is conceived as a living organism which is brought to life with a programme of performances and figures who wander through the space.

Contacts & Details

Thu – Sun 10:30am – 8:30pm

T: +39 02 66111573
M: info@hangarbicocca.org

Pirelli HangarBicocca, Via Chiese, 2, 20126 Milan, Italy

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