Fiamme negli Archivi. Frammenti nella memoria di canepovolto, 28 Feb 2017 — 02 Apr 2017

Fiamme negli Archivi. Frammenti nella memoria di canepovolto

Careof, Piano 0 Fabbrica del Vapore, Via Procaccini, 4, 20154 Milan, Italy

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Careof presents an exhibition which is statically and didactically uncovering the curved path of developments between languages and devices, that have characterized the production of moving images and sounds over the past three decades.

The conductor of this dive into history is canecapovolto. Founded in Southern Italy in 1992 – within the same timeframe of thirty years – canecapovolto has continuously experimented with the use of various types of media such as video, film acoustic, installations and collages. Famous for their productions characterized by constant attention to prevailing media, tools and devices, the group has been invited to create a solo show for Careof. This exhibition visualizes their personal path by using archived works to display changes in media as well as differences of their work’s formats. canecapovolto itself have been using different camera tools and editing techniques at each point in time of their artistic career, resulting in different formats of their final works. As the time passed, one could follow their works changing from old VHS, to DVDs, to videos accessible on social media and video platforms.

This development of technology has not only changed the intimate perception and personal vision, but has affected, up until today, the consumption and desire of the product “video”, shifting from “possession” to “access”. Their archive of images and sounds can be described as alive and contemporary, never interrupting the lifeline that regenerates continuously in the timeline of their thinking.

Fiamme negli archivi also presents a selection of the archive of sounds produced by Scuola FuoriNorma – a multidisciplinary program founded by canecapavolto – to maintain a constant relationship between theory and creative work practices.For the entire duration of the exhibition, the audio archive will be available for anyone with sensitive and refined ears.

Contacts & Details

Tue – Sat 2:30pm – 6:30pm

T: +39 02 66669080

Careof, Piano 0 Fabbrica del Vapore, Via Procaccini, 4, 20154 Milan, Italy

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