Francesco Arena: Third exhibition: three things
The third solo show with Raffaella Cortese occupies the gallery’s three exhibition venues
As in his two previous projects with the gallery, each space is characterized by the presence of a single work. Without any specific order in their visit of the spaces, viewers move from the low level of the floor with “Bandiera linearizzata” [Linearized flag] to the high one of “Orizzonte lasco” [Loose horizon], to their union with “Sentenza in sei metri da zero a sessantasei centimetri” [Sentence in six meters from zero to sixty-six centimeters], which establishes a dialogue between height and walking surface.
Terza mostra: tre cose stands as a sort of third stage in a ‘trilogy’ for the gallery with themes, aspects, and cross-references that run between the works on view and the two exhibitions that preceded it.
Tue – Sat 10am – 1pm, 3pm – 7:30pm
Raffaella Cortese, Via Stradella 1, 4 and 7, Milan, Italy