Friendly Show, 01 Mar 2022 — 07 Apr 2022
Installation view, Friendly Show - a cura di Alessandro Calabrese - con Jure Kastelic, Tilo&Toni, Caterina Gabelli e Young Agamben. Ph. Tiziano Ercoli. Courtesy CONDOMINIO
Friendly Show
Via Melchiorre Gioia, 41 Milan
“Friendly Show” is a collective exhibition that aims to investigate some of the relationships that can be established, in contemporary artistic practice, between photography and painting.
The four artists on display draw from both disciplines in a similar and, at the same time, diametrically opposite way, to reflect, with their works, on issues of an aesthetic, social, political and economic nature.
- Jure Kastelic uses snapshots made by him to develop a series of paintings on paper that have as their subject a masked party inside a castle and its guests.
- The German duo Tilo&Toni, on the other hand, uses the canvas as a print medium for photographs taken from various social media, to then paint over them in an attempt to investigate the concepts of filter and cliché.
- Caterina Gabelli, a painter who usually works with drawings and illustrations, presents a series of photographs taken from her personal archive, which reflect on classic themes of painting, such as still life and the transfiguration of everyday life that from ordinary becomes precious .
- Young Agamben, behind which nickname it is not known who is really hiding, shows a series of memes coming from his Instagram page and printed for the first time on paper. A series of famous historical paintings are altered by the presence of some elements that can be symbolic or written, to update, or distort, in a contemporary way, their meaning.
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