Gianni Caravaggio: The Sun Filtering Through The Leaves, 03 Mar 2022 — 09 Apr 2022

Gianni Caravaggio: The Sun Filtering Through The Leaves

kaufmann repetto, Via di Porta Tenaglia 7, 20121, Milan, Italy

Kaufmann Repetto presents an exhibition by Gianni Caravaggio: The Sun Filtering Through The Leaves.

“Although the courtyard is located in the middle of the city, at a certain time of day the trees are illuminated by beams of sunlight shining through the leaves, creating a moment of pure nature, the sign of a dimension greater than us and of which we are fleeting spectators. all of a sudden the trees in this courtyard with their various shapes, leaves and their different shades make me think that at their origin there was a matrix that destined them to take on the appearance they have now. dazed by this thought, i feel as if i have been creating and designing this matrix, this mold, as if it were the beginning of time: at that moment i have the sensation of kneading green dough, like when you’re making cookies, and in a playful way experimenting with and discovering the colors and forms of the leaves, cutting them up and pressing them into the mixture and in the end leaving the print of my hand on it; a hand which is not mine because it looks like a leaf. nature is young. every so often it astonishes me and the leaves seem to take on form and life from a mineral matrix, that of verde guatemala marble.

i go on thinking of the rays of sunlight that have enchanted my thoughts, picturing them as rays of yellow onyx. a long and rectangular block is divided into nine little sticks with which to draw the sun for every morning. i imagine being able to extend the rays of yellow onyx in various ways along a horizontal line. the gestures that compose the auroral figure are not fixed. they are free and living. this gives the impression that the figure is a fleeting one.” said the artist.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Sat 10:30am – 7:00pm
T: +39 0272094331

kaufmann repetto, Via di Porta Tenaglia 7, 20121, Milan, Italy

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