With the support of the Swiss Institute and the Kulturstiftung of Kanton Thurgau, the independent art space shows a site-specific installation by the Swiss artist in occasion of the Milan Design Week 2017.
The title of the show “Hahnenfuss” is a word play, referring to the pied de poule – a pattern of fashion. Using a very peculiar practice, the Swiss artist alternates traditional tissurale with different themes, creating a pavement by layering sugar cubes. His installation is very interactive in nature and demands the viewers engagement, to the point that one is involved in the transformation of the displayed surfaces, which collapse and break in its decorative frames, constituting a creative moment.
The project is realised in collaboration with Zuckermühle Rupperswil and Widmertheodoridis, Eschlikon.
By appointment
M: mars.mailto@gmail.com
Milan Artist Run Space – MARS, Via Guido Guinizelli 6, 20127, Milan, Italy