Jeremy Fish, Russ Pope, Zio Ziegler: From Cali, with Love, 24 Sep 2015 — 06 Nov 2015

Jeremy Fish, Russ Pope, Zio Ziegler: From Cali, with Love

From Cali With Love is an exhibition dedicated to Jeremy Fish, Russ Pope and Zio Ziegler, three artists that embody, each in his own way, the visionary contemporary culture of the Golden State.

The title conjures the tourist catchphrases of the postcards that provide a cheerful and laid-back image of the state where Hollywood, Disneyland and Silicon Valley live side by side.
California is, in fact, the paradigm of a fantastic and virtual civilization, the place, as the American historian Kevin Starr wrote in Golden Dreams, where the relationship between reality and fiction, between truth and suggestion, is more ambiguous.

According to writer Wallace Stegner, California is like the rest of America, “only more so”, a concentrate of the American dream, the epitome of an unique and recognizable lifestyle.

Surf, skate, punk, but also urban art, psychedelia and underground comics are only a few of the cultural matrices of the California Dreaming that re-emerge from the works of Fish, Pope and Ziegler, where daily life is mixed with imagination, in the pursuit of an immediate and narrative art, able to overcome the disciplinary boundaries of contemporary art.

The three artists share, in fact, the same passion for an art without borders, that ranges in various fields, from street art to clothing, from illustration to skateboarding, passing through many collaborations with brands, such as Vans, RVCA and Santa Cruz.

Each of them possesses an unique style, recognizable marks and lines.
The style of young Zio Ziegler is urban and tribal, but also dedicated to the reclamation of the history of art.
The graphic language of Jeremy Fish, a recognized character of the Californian skateboarding world, is, instead, defined by sharp outlines and ultra-fantastic contents.
Finally, Russ Pope’s work is more strongly linked to drawing, but with fast and quick brushstrokes, in which the Expressionist taste merges with underground comics.

From Cali With Love will present approximately thirty new works, especially created by the artists for Antonio Colombo Arte Contemporanea gallery.

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