Leonor Antunes: The Last Days in Galliate
The space known as the Shed in Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, is the setting for Leonor Antunes‘ site-specific installation, who is featured here in her first major exhibition in Italy, titled “the last days in Galliate”. The works included, all recent ones, take inspiration from the city of Milan and its rich Modernist tradition as well from the traditional heritage of firms such as Pirelli and Olivetti, to conceive a complex intervention wich fills the space and dialogues consistently with its structural elements.
The artist reinterprets the history of art, design, and architecture of the twentieth century, and in particular the Modernist tradition, using natural and organic materials and artisanal techniques. Following her research, she creates an original ambience within the HangarBicocca, at the same time perfectly linked with the preexisting space.
Thu – Sun 10:30am – 8:30pm
M: info@hangarbicocca.org
Pirelli HangarBicocca, Via Chiese, 2, 20126 Milan, Italy