Liliane Lijn: I Am She, 16 Sep 2020 — 14 Nov 2020
Liliane Lijn, "Soften the Mouth", 1987 – 1990. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus.
Liliane Lijn: I Am She
The most complete exhibition ever dedicated to the artist outside the UK
Ordet, Via Filippino Lippi, 4 and 10, 20131 Milan, Italy
The exhibition “I AM SHE” gathers works by the London-based artist Liliane Lijn at Ordet, Milan. The presentation is the most comprehensive one ever dedicated to the artist outside the UK, with pieces dating from 1960 until today.
Lijin’s artistic practice is the result of her visual, sensorial and plastic explorations of corporal and natural phenomena: the artist investigates the invisible forces operating in our surrounding environment through different media and materials, such as light and language.