Lupo Borgonovo: Alexandra, 14 Mar 2018 — 05 May 2018

Lupo Borgonovo: Alexandra

Monica De Cardenas, Via Francesco Viganò 4, 20124, Milan, Italy

Monica De Cardenas Galleria in Milan presents the first solo exhibition by Lupo Borgonovo. The title of the show ‘Alexandra’ alludes to the worlds largest butterfly, which ideally summarizes all the elements represented in both the sculptures and the works on paper: symmetry, colour, geometry, repetition and camouflage.

Borgonovo’s research had helped him to develop work which couples exotic imagery with his interest in processes of transformation of matter, as well as ancestral myths with contemporary stories. The forces which emancipate from his work are space and time. By designing space, we design time.

Alexandra has been devised as a series of aesthetic links, dividing the space into historical subdivisions. The first of these presents works the artist produced during his time in China, the second presents an explosion of colour where butterflies, sacred antiques cloaks, saddles of an ancient German tradition and a bronze tortoise shell appear. In the last room the artist’s bronze Ibu sculptures are presented resembling archaic utensils, daggers and animal tails. The artist’s study of the natural and animal world has been evident throughout his artistic career.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Sat 11am – 7pm
and by appointment
Mon, Sun
T: +39 022901 0068

Monica De Cardenas, Via Francesco Viganò 4, 20124, Milan, Italy

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