Philippe Rahm: The Effusivity Pool, 18 Apr 2018 — 09 May 2018

Philippe Rahm: The Effusivity Pool

The Swiss Institute in Milan presents The Effusivity Pool, a project by Swiss architect Philippe Rahm. The physicality of a building is brought about by its physical, thermal and climatic values, such as reflectance emissivity, effusivity and conductivity. This is how the Effusivity pool seeks to address an interior space. It is a manifestation of a few materials chosen according to their climatic proprieties, whose characteristic is to speed up or to slow down the loss of body heat loss by conduction upon physical contact.

Rahm is director of “Philippe Rahm architectes”, based in Paris, France. His work, which extends architecture from the physiological to the meteorological, has received international acclaim for sustainability.

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