Studiolo Lounge #2, 18 Feb 2022 — 17 Apr 2022

Studiolo Lounge #2

Cabinet, Via Carlo Goldoni, 15, 20129 Milan, Italy

Studiolo presents Studiolo Lounge #2, the second project dedicated to the dialogue between the expressions of design, contemporary and modern art.

Studiolo’s small white cube is transformed into an intimate, almost living space to host a composition of “notes” that have characterised, and continue to characterise, visual culture from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.

Artist involved: Giorgio Bernasconi, Amèlie Bigard, Cagnaccio di San Pietro, Federico Cantale, Chanan De Lange, Draga&Aurel, Achille Funi, Cecilia Granara, Julie Monot, Giò Ponti, Gastone Rinaldi, Marco Zanuso

Objects and works of art freely coexist in the space to form eclectic constellations of precious gems, germinative of multiple references that symbolically tell us about the richness not only of contemporary life but also of our cultural and social history. A dense network of aesthetic echoes spreads from each element in the exhibition and reveals a network of innumerable connections that dwell in the details, materials and uniqueness of each work.

A project without gender differences that embraces all linguistic creativity, pushing the observer to an amplified vision, beyond the limits of time or utility.

Contacts & Details

by appointment

T: +39 3338349974

Cabinet, Via Carlo Goldoni, 15, 20129 Milan, Italy

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