The New American Cinema Torino 1967, 01 Apr 2017 — 30 Apr 2017

The New American Cinema Torino 1967

Fondazione Prada, Milan, Largo Isarco 2, 20139 Milan, Italy

Curated by Germano Celant, this film screening series recreates “New American Cinema Group Exposition”, a festival organized in Turin in 1967 and devoted to the group of young filmmakers known under the acronym NACG (New American Cinema Group).

Founded in New York in 1960, the group originally gathered 23 independent filmmakers (including Stan Brakhage, Robert Breer, Bruce Conner, Jonas and Adolfas Mekas, Marie Menken and Stan VanDerBeek) , who produced low-budget short and full-length films featuring controversial and disruptive content.
Developed in opposition to the Hollywood standards, as stated by Mekas in his introduction to the festival, the main contribution of the New American Cinema “is that its only area of action is the poetical side of self-expression”. Until 1960 cinema had been considered “only a secondary form of art (as it could only tell stories). Today, it allows filmmakers to fully express themselves in complete freedom”. This form of avant-garde invented “a new poetical vocabulary for cinema; it developed its synthax and language”.

Fondazione Prada screens almost all the films presented in Turin in 1967.
Visit the website to check the day by day film screening program.

Contacts & Details

Mon 10am – 7pm;
Wed – Sun 10am – 7pm

T: +39 02 56662611

Fondazione Prada, Milan, Largo Isarco 2, 20139 Milan, Italy

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