Tino Stefanoni: Reality and Magic, 22 Mar 2018 — 27 Apr 2018

Tino Stefanoni: Reality and Magic

Robilant + Voena, Milan, Via della Spiga 1 20121, Milan, Italy

Robilant+Voena Gallery in Milan pay tribute to the long career of the artist Tino Stefanoni (1937-2017), just a few month after his death. Curated by Elena Pontiggia, the exhibition will show around 30 works from the Sixties until today. Born in Lecco, Stefanoni throughout his life demonstrated himself as a modern and refreshing artist. He studied in the Politecnico in Milan and his career began as the Arte Povera movement was making waves in Turin. Tino Stefanoni although a painter, was considered a conceptual artist, using the medium of painting and language’s theoretical task in a somewhat light-hearted and witty manner. 

We can consider Stefanoni a pivotal artist in the transition between an accepted modernist practice and a new post-modern subtlety. Over the years, the artist often sought to unravel reality; objects are simplified to an essential obviousness, transformed into a set of graphic signs.

Contacts & Details
Mon – Fri 10am – 7pm, Sat 11am – 5pm
T: +39 028056179
M: enquire@robilantvoena.com

Robilant + Voena, Milan, Via della Spiga 1 20121, Milan, Italy

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