Udo Kittelmann presents K, exhibition featuring Martin Kippenberger, Orson Wells and Tangerine Dreams.
Conceived by the artist Udo Kittelmann, the trilogy features “The Happy End of Franz Kafka’s America”, installation at the core of the exhibition by Martin Kippenberger, accompanied by Orson Well‘s movie “The trial” and Tangerine Dream‘s late electronic album “The Castle”. Presented at Fondazione Prada in Milan, the exhibition K is inspired by three uncompleted novels by Franz Kafka, allowing different interpretations on the project. “The structure is similar to that of a traditional altarpiece, with ‘America’ occupying the large central panel and ‘The Trial’ and ‘The Castle’ the side panels. The three parts can be read together as a remarkable allegory of the vicissitudes of life”, explain the author.
Mon 10am – 7pm;
Wed – Sun 10am – 7pm
M: info@fondazioneprada.org
Fondazione Prada, Milan, Largo Isarco 2, 20139 Milan, Italy