Wassilj Kandinskij: Knight errant – The journey towards abstraction
The original “site-specific” exhibition shows works by Kandinskij that come from the most important Russian museums. Some of these works have never been on show in Italy, and portray models of the popular culture that inspired the artist.
The exhibition depicts the artistic path in which the artist’s visual imagination formed, starting with initial figurative works up to the latest more abstract works using multimedia tools. By creating an understanding of the origin and development of the artist’s symbolic code, one is engaged in Kandinskij’s artistic journey. With the help of multimedia aids, the visitors can “enter” into his abstract paintings and thereby follow his wish: «For years I tried to get spectators to walk inside my paintings: I wanted to force them to lose themselves, even to disappear inside».
Mon 2:30pm – 7:30pm;
Tue – Wed 9:30am – 7:30pm;
Thu 9:30am – 10pm;
Fri – Sun 9:30am – 7:30pm
M: info@mudec.it
Museo delle Culture – MUDEC, Via Tortona, 56, 20144 Milan, Italy