Hemant Sreekumar: Practice Process, 01 Jul 2016 — 28 Feb 2017

Hemant Sreekumar: Practice Process

1AFTER320, F-320 Lado Sarai, Old Mehrauli Badarpur Rd

“Practice Process” is a long-term sustained initiative with a cultural producer whose practice shifts between the many defined roles within the global/local art contexts. Starting July 26th and at various points during the calendar year 2016-17, 1After320 hosts artist & technologist Hemant Sreekumar from New Delhi.

Artistically he performs synthetic audio compositions using principles of emergence and noise. He also produces visual media including prints and light based works. His works respond to notions of decay, generative bias and loss of semantics. He employs code and data mediated processes to construct time-based environments with fluctuating textures. Hemank Sk also curates Disqueit, a sound/noise program since 2013.

Contacts & Details
T: +91-9649235831
M: vidisha.exhibit320@gmail.com

1AFTER320, F-320 Lado Sarai, Old Mehrauli Badarpur Rd
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