Amar Kanwar: Such a Morning, 14 Nov 2018 — 21 Dec 2018

Amar Kanwar: Such a Morning

Artist Amar Kanwar‘s “Such a Morning(2017) depicts the parable of a famous mathematician who, at the peak of his career, unexpectedly withdraws from public life, to spend the rest of his time in an abandoned train carriage. During his days, the man records in a sort of almanac his reflections and epiphanies, in particular about darkness and all the different shapes that it takes. These writings become a series of letters, which transcend the film as a part of a bigger research project by Kanwar with diverse artistic, pedagogic, metaphysical and political collaborations. This continuing project is also the source for the series of Letters that accompany the film and are shown in the gallery.

The 85-minute single-channel film installation arises from Kanwar’s investigation of the diverse narrative mechanisms which exist in the Indian subcontinent and highlights the coexistence of different and parallel truths in the current historical moment. The film will be also shown in Paris at Galerie Marian Goodman, Paris, from January 12–March 9, 2019.




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