Retna: Articulate & Harmonic Symphonies of the Soul, 13 Feb 2015 — 12 Mar 2015

Retna: Articulate & Harmonic Symphonies of the Soul

Articulate & Harmonic Symphonies of the Soul will be the first solo show on display at the newly founded gallery. The solo show includes Retna’s (b. 1979, Los Angeles) most important pieces of recent years and a careful selection of his newest works on canvas by the artist.

The artist, known by his globally-recognized tag RETNA, accesses spaces between typographic, text-based imagery and abstract emotive states with his mysterious lines of script. Using the concept of the graffiti tag as a starting point to craft a secret language of symbols, the canvasses are messages known to him and his inner circle alone. Each block of text is a sophisticated system of hieroglyphs, calligraphy and illuminated script. With influences reaching as far as Arabic, Egyptian, Hebrew, Anglo-Saxon (or Old English) and Native American mythologies, RETNA crafts a unique lexicon to communicate a personal form of poetry; one that speaks to the blaring realities of urban life, but grants itself access to metaphysical musings.

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