Tattfoo Tan: Heal the Man in Order to Heal the Land, 02 Mar 2019 — 29 Dec 2019

Tattfoo Tan: Heal the Man in Order to Heal the Land

Snug Harbor, 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island

Staten Island based artist Tattfoo Tan activates, over the period of the exhibition, a series of participatory prompts, games and affirmations in order to guide visitors to rediscover the natural and spiritual sphere. His artistic practice, in fact, has always focused on issues relating to ecology, sustainability and healthy living, with ephemeral and site-specific projects: in this context, the artist aims to investigate how in contemporary society dominated by mass-consumption is still possible to establish a genuine relation with nature.

Contacts & Details
thu, fri 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm; sat, sun 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

mon, tue, wed

T: +1 718 448 2500
M: info@snug-harbor.org

Snug Harbor, 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island

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